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For an American citizen’s right to their own person. Taking away Roe v Wade, affirmed under the due process clause of the 14th amendment, protects the right to privacy. Women now don’t know that world – and I really don’t want them to know it. There was no counselling to help me through a kind of grief. If I had caught an infection, there was nowhere I could go. So, wrapped in my Catholic guilt, was this: a Black man was killed. He made a joke about the gender of the foetus. The doctor was a Black man, so I felt safe. But I wanted to go to university, to have a life. Brought up Roman Catholic to believe that I was committing murder. Abortion was illegal in Illinois, my home state until the day Roe v Wade was affirmed in 1973. When I heard the news of the draft decision, I went back to the time when I had an abortion in 1969. Photograph: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images Bonnie Greer, playwright and novelist

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