Kennedy gay bar tampa

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It was an interesting addition against the backdrop of historic Ybor City, a former cigar-rolling district with Latin roots. In fact, GaYbor – a coalition of gay and gay-friendly businesses that began on the west end of a popular nightclub and restaurant strip – began taking shape only about four years ago. 'Yet it feels like it’s been here forever.' 'It feels like an untapped vacation spot,' said McAndrews, 41. A friend in the Keys told us about 'GaYbor' and we came here and were surprised.' 'When you think of gay districts, you tend to think Miami or the Keys,' said Marchman, 32. TAMPA – Alan Marchman and Shane McAndrews of North Carolina have made Ybor City their favorite destination spot for the past three years, calling it a 'hidden gem' for gay singles and uples, a place where they always feel at home. A coalition of Tampa gay bars and clubs and other gay-friendly businesses began about four years ago against the backdrop of a popular nightclub and restaurant strip.

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